MC Produce is officially launched at CPMA Toronto, Manager Maria Cavazos
After many years of experience in the Mexican market as the manager of a citrus producer/distributor, combined with 5 years in Growers Relations with a company in Montreal, the decision to start her own company was a natural transition for Maria Cavazo.
With strong relationships all across Mexico and South America, as well as Chile, Brazil, Costa Rica andHonduras, MC Produce is positioning itself as a direct distributor of fresh produce in the US and Canada.

MC Produce is officially launched at CPMA Toronto, Manager Maria CavazosAfter many years of experience in the Mexican market as the manager of a citrus producer/distributor, combined with 5 years in Growers Relations with a company in Montreal, the decision to start her own company was a natural transition for Maria Cavazo.
With strong relationships all across Mexico and South America, as well as Chile, Brazil, Costa Rica and Honduras, MC Produce is positioning itself as a direct distributor of fresh produce in the US and Canada.